Invisalign® Orthodontic Treatment

Invisalign® in Norwood, MA

Our experienced dentist and team offer Invisalign® orthodontic treatment to align your teeth and improve your oral health and smile. This orthodontic treatment works to move your teeth into their proper positions gently and discreetly so that you can enjoy a natural-looking smile throughout your treatment process. And once you have your new smile, be sure to ask us about professional teeth whitening treatment to finish your treatment off! To schedule an appointment with Dr. Wonsuk Joo and learn more about Invisalign clear aligners in Norwood, Massachusetts, call Norwood Dental Center at 781-762-3529.

If you have been avoiding orthodontic treatment because of the hassle and aesthetic of traditional metal braces, our dentist may have the solution for you! Invisalign treatment consists of thin, clear plastic aligners designed to slowly straighten your smile without relying on metal brackets or wires. Using custom-made, computer-generated aligners, Invisalign can address the aesthetic and oral health issues associated with a misaligned smile comfortably and conveniently.

There are very few orthodontic issues typically addressed with braces that could not also be fixed with clear aligners. Invisalign aligners can straighten crowded and crooked teeth, realign gapped or irregularly spaced teeth, and even correct problems with your bite, such as underbites, open bites, overbites and crossbites. During your initial Invisalign consultation at our office, our dentist will examine your smile for orthodontic issues and help you decide if Invisalign is right for you.

Because of its near-invisible treatment, Invisalign is especially popular amongst teenagers and working adults. In order to maintain their discreet look, however, your aligners must be cleaned regularly. Luckily, your aligners are also removable, making it easier for you to maintain them, as well as eat, brush and floss as you normally would. The more frequently you wear your aligners, the shorter your treatment time will be.

Invisalign and the Invisalign logo, among others, are trademarks of Align Technology, Inc., and are registered in the U.S. and other countries.